The yellow flowers of Forsythia
are a familiar sight in gardens in the spring. The garden form is a result of crossing the
Japanese species Forsythia suspensa
and Forsythia viridissima repeatedly
over the last 120 years or so. Hybrids
are given the genus name followed by a letter x to represent it is a cross
between two or more species and are given a hybrid name.
Forsythia is named
after William Forsyth, a Scottish botanist who managed the gardens at
Kensington and St James’, London from 1779.
In the centre of the flower are two short stamens. The filaments are attached to the corolla
near the base, in line with a cleft between two of the lobes - they are termed epipetalous. The filaments are attached to the base of
the anthers - they are basifixed. The anthers open to expose the pollen
outwards (extrorse).
There is a single
ovary which sits adjacent to the base of the filaments and the corolla, so the
ovary is superior and the flower is hypogynous. Attached to the top of the ovary is a
single style. At the top of the style is
a stigma which is divided into two rounded lobes. If the ovary is cut across with a blade it is
found to be formed of two hollows (bilocular) each
containing a number of ovules which are attached
to the top of the ovary - apical pendulous ovules.
Also in family Oleaceae in Britain are the native ash tree (Fraxinus) and privet (Ligustrum) along with cultivated species
of privet, jasmine (Jasminum) and
lilac (Syringa). All of these have only two stamens, four
sepals, fused towards the base and leaves that are opposite one another.
Introducing the floral formula
The floral formula is a
shorthand way of indicating the structure of a flower using simple
In the formula above for
Oleaceae, the sex sign on the left indicates that the flowers have both male
and female parts. Ca with an encircled 4
shows the calyx is made of 4 lobes, joined at the base. Co with an encircled 4 shows the corolla is
also made of 4 lobes joined at the base.
The G with an encircled two shows the gynoecium is formed of two locules
that are joined together into a single structure with one style and stigma. The A with the two shows there are two
anthers that are separate from one another.
This is underlined and placed above the corolla showing they are
attached to the corolla. Finally the
calyx, corolla and gynoecium are all underlined showing they are all attached
at the same level, indicating the ovary is superior.
In botanical speak this would be written: Flowers
hermaphrodite. Calyx gamosepalous,
four-lobed. Corolla gamopetalous,
four-lobed. Anthers two, epipetalous. Gynoecium with two united carpels, superior.
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